Revised October 2017





The name of this Club shall be the Lakewood Women's Golf Club (hereinafter, the Club.)




The purpose of the Club shall be: (a) to organize the women golfers of the Club; (b) to hold weekly play dates (aka Ladies Days) and tournaments for its members; and (c) to maintain a high standard of sportsmanship among its members and guests.




Section 1: Any woman over the age of eighteen (18) interested in the Purpose of this Club shall be eligible for membership. No eligible woman shall be denied membership.


Section 2:


All prospective members not having an established handicap from a qualified club shall play five (5) times with the women’s club at Lakewood Country Club on a regular play date, and shall turn in her scorecards for those rounds attested by a golfer having a GHIN number (the signing player’s name and GHIN number should be printed CLEARLY on the scorecard). At a minimum, new members will play at least one qualifying game with a Board member who will show her how to sign in, how to fill out

scorecards, how to post games in books, where to sign up for tee times, and who to call. While playing the course, our local rules should be addressed. For example:

where the drop zone is on Hole # 3, and how to drop your ball etc. After turning in five (5) qualifying cards, the prospective member shall complete and return an application form, pay the initiation fee and dues, and she will become a Member.


A prospective member coming to our Club with an established handicap from a qualified club will complete and return an application form, pay her initiation fee and dues, and will become a member immediately, playing to her already established handicap.


Total regular membership in the Club may be limited at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a regularly called meeting. In no event shall the limit be less than 250 persons. In the event the limit is reached, a waiting list shall be established. Application for membership from those on the waiting list shall be acted upon in order of receipt of such applications.


Section 3: There is an initiation fee for all new members. There will be annual dues for

all members in this club, except Honorary Members. An Honorary Member is a member who has reached the age of 75 and has been a member for the last ten (10) years.  Her annual dues shall be waived at her request. Any person accepted as a member after July 1st shall pay the regular initiation fee and one-half the annual dues.


Dues shall be due and payable October 1st each year, delinquent on November 1st. After November 1st there is an additional $10.00 late fee. To guarantee a January handicap, dues should be paid by November 1st. These are to be paid to the Membership Chairman along with any applicable Pub-Links or L.A. County dues.


Members of the Board of Directors who have served one year are entitled to one years' free dues the following year. Members of the Board of Directors also shall have the privilege (upon request) of a preferred tee time with one guest for regular play days.


Section 4: Any person dropped from the membership roll of the club who wishes to rejoin shall be required to do so as a New Member.


Section 5: In accordance with the Club’s Purpose, any member who exhibits, is accused of exhibiting, or is observed displaying poor etiquette, undo discourtesy; poor sportsmanship or causing dissension is subject dismissal.


(a) Notice of an offense - Notice of an alleged offense will be sent to the Member in writing by certified mail and by email.  The notice will propose a meeting time and date to discuss the offense.  Said meeting will take place following play on a regular Lakewood play day no later than three (3) weeks after the offense. The member is required to agree to the meeting date or propose an alternative date within three (3) days of receipt of the notice, any alternative date must be within three (3) weeks of the offense unless good cause (previously booked travel, etc.) is given.


(b) Upon the first offense the member shall meet with the President and Membership Chair to discuss the alleged offense. At this meeting the Board Members attending shall determine either that the offense occurred or that it did not.  If no offense is deemed to have occurred, no further action will be taken and no record of the offense will be kept.  However, if an offense is determined to have occurred, the Member shall acknowledge the offense in writing and promise to avoid such actions in the future. A copy of this acknowledgement will be given to the Member and the signed original will be kept with the Club’s records.


(c) A second offence by the same Member shall require a meeting with the President, Membership Chair, and the Rules Chair.  Notice of the offense and meeting date will be given as per Section 6 (a), above. At this meeting the Member will be given a written list of the offence(s,) the expected corrective action(s), if any, and the date when corrective action, if applicable, is to take place. The Member shall sign a copy of this list, acknowledging receipt, and the signed copy will be kept with the Club’s records.


(d) A third offense by the Member shall result in the Member’s suspension. Notice of the offense will be made as per section 6 (a), above. Dismissal of the Member will follow automatically two (2) weeks after notice is received.  However, prior to dismissal (i.e. – within two (2) weeks of receipt of notice of the third offense) the Member may request in writing to the President that her dismissal be reviewed by the membership at the next general meeting. At that meeting the Member will present her case to the membership and the accusers and/or the Board will present the case for dismissal.  The membership will vote whether she should be dismissed.  The vote will be by written ballot. A simple majority will determine the outcome.




Section 1: The officers of the Club, Committee Chairs, and organization representatives are known collectively as the Board of Directors.


The officers are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.


The other Board members are Major Tournament Coordinator, Weekly Tournament, Weekly Tee-times, Membership, Social, Handicap, Rules, Organizational Representatives and Newsletter.


The Board of Directors shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Club. Members of the Board of Directors shall serve for no more than two (2) years in any one office and for no more than four (4) consecutive years on the board. The length of terms of office may be waived by majority vote of the Club Officers.


Section 2: At a general meeting in August, a Nominating Committee of three (3) members shall be presented by the Board of Directors and elected by the Club. It shall be the duty of this Committee to nominate the prospective officers to be elected at the November meeting. The Nominating Committee shall present the ballot to the Club at the general October meeting, allowing the membership one month to review the slate of proposed Board members. 


The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall administer the election of the new Board of Directors at the November general meeting.  After the election is completed, the Board of Directors will be ratified by a majority vote of the Club members in attendance at the November meeting.  The newly elected Board of Directors will be installed at the end of the December general meeting and shall begin their duties in January following installation. 


Any member in good standing can be nominated for a position on the Board of Directors. Exceptions: The nominee for the President must be a member in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to nomination and have served on the Board in some capacity for at least one (1) year. The nominee for the Treasurer must be a member in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to nomination.


Section 3: The duties of the Board of Director members are as follows:



The President shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors and preside at all meetings of the Club and shall direct all activities of the Club. It is her duty to enforce the By-Laws and standing Rules. She shall appoint all standing and special committees, excepting The Nominating Committee (see Art. 4 Sec. 2). She shall be a signatory on the Club checking account.



The Vice-President shall act as Assistant to the President and in the President's absence shall preside at all meetings.


As Major Tournament Coordinator she shall develop and maintain the policies, procedures, guidelines, forms, spreadsheets and any other materials needed to plan and conduct the major and special tournaments.  She is responsible for contacting the individual Major Tournament Chair Person before each tournament and ensuring that she is familiar with the available materials.  She shall be an advisor to the Chairpersons and shall assist with the tournament as needed.



Duties: The Treasurer shall receive funds including annual dues and deposit them in a recognized bank. She shall receive all bills and pay them at the order of the Board. The Treasurer shall prepare and post a monthly and annual report of funds and disbursements and budget performance. She shall prepare and post a budget for the coming year no later than the November general meeting prior to the new year. The budget shall be voted on and approved by the membership at the November general meeting.


The Treasurer is responsible to obtain a written independent audit of the Club’s financial records, checking account transactions, and financial processes and procedures during January of each year.  This audit report is to be presented to the Club at the February general meeting.


Signatories: The Club checking account must have at least two (2) signatories. The President and Treasurer are required to be signatories.



The Secretary shall record and post the minutes of the meetings of the Club and conduct the business correspondence of the Club. She shall record and maintain minutes of the Board of Directors. She shall call the Club meeting to order in the absence of the President and Vice-President and preside until the election of a Temporary Chair. She shall have at every meeting the minutes of the previous meeting, the By-Laws, the Standing Rules, and a list of the committees. She shall also act as Parliamentarian for all meetings.



The Weekly Tournament Chair shall be responsible for posting the rules of each tournament, providing tournament cards, and administering prizes for all Weekly Tournaments.  In addition, she shall administer weekly putting contests, and the monthly Ringer tournament.



The Weekly Tee Time Chair shall be responsible for weekly sign-up sheets and for tee times.  A member may not change her posted weekly tee time upon arriving at the course. Exception:  Only one member in a fivesome may move up to an open foursome spot provided she notifies the other members of the group or the pro-shop starter.



The Membership Chair shall be responsible for keeping the records of all members, active, honorary, and prospective. She shall collect all dues and applications and submit a monthly and an annual report to the treasurer. She shall also collect and maintain the hole-in-one contribution list.



The Handicap Chair shall handle all work pertaining to maintaining and verifying each member's handicap and process the Pub-Links maintenance forms for all changes to membership.


RULES: The Rules Chair shall be responsible for clarifying matters from the USGA Rules of Golf. The Chair shall be the referee and assist the committee in charge of a competition in decisions relating to the Rules of Golf.



The Social Chairs (2) shall be responsible for all luncheons and parties. They shall oversee the monthly 50-50 drawing, turning over the monies and a simple report voucher to the treasurer. They shall also send cards to members when appropriate.  They are also responsible for cart gifts for all major tournaments.



Women’s Public Links Golf Association of Southern California (WPLGA) and

Los Angeles County Women’s Golf Association (LACWGA):

Representatives shall provide information from the golf organization they represent to the Lakewood membership. They will publicize organization events by posting information in the clubroom or at such other location as the management of Lakewood Country Club shall designate, announce events at general meetings and by email.  They will provide write-ups to the Editor of the Newsletter for inclusion in the Newsletter.


NEWSLETTER: The Newsletter Chair shall solicit information from all members of the Club that is interesting and relevant to the Club membership. Information can be photos, rule issues, tournament information and results, information about members, and information about upcoming or completed organization activities.   She shall publish the newsletter quarterly by email.



The Major Tournament Chairperson(s) shall promote and conduct all major and special tournaments. They shall be responsible for starting times and cancellations, collection of any entry fees, and for administering the prizes. They shall submit a written report to the treasurer of the monies collected and prizes awarded within 10 days after each tournament.



Section 1: The officers of the Club shall constitute an Executive Board.


Section 2: The Executive Board shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the Club between its regular board meetings. It is subject to the direction of the Club and none of its actions shall conflict with any actions taken by the Club.



A vacancy in any office shall be filled by election of a majority of the Club members present at the next regular meeting.




Section 1: The regular meetings of the Club shall be held the first Thursday of each month. If weather does not permit play, the meeting will be scheduled for a later date.


Section 2: Board meetings will be held once a month at the discretion of the President.


Section 3: The annual reports shall be given at the regular February meeting and audited books presented.


Section 4:  A Special meeting may be called by the Board of Directors for any reason and shall be called upon written request of ten (10) members of the Club. Members shall be given at least one week notice in writing (or email) of a special meeting. Special meetings, if called, shall be held after golf on a regular play day (Thursday).


Section 5: Twenty-five (25) members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.


Section 6: Questions or suggestions made by a Board member for the Board should be sent directly, by email, to the President only.  It is her discretion to either send the copy to the full Board, or to present it to them at the next Board meeting.




Section 1: Committees may be appointed by the President of the Club or the Board of Directors as from time to time may be deemed necessary to further the purposes of the Club, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, which is elected by the Club.


Section 2: Any committee is authorized to adopt rules for the transaction of its business, providing the rules do not conflict with the By-Laws of the Club.




The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.




The By-Laws of this Club may be amended at any regular business meeting of the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Club members present, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting and a quorum has been met.