Hello – Welcome to our Own Website www.LWGC.org

Lakewood Women’s Golf Club

est. since 1933

Sunrise before BCA Fund-Raising Tournament 08/01/2024 – Courtesy of Sue McGill

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6 Responses to Hello – Welcome to our Own Website www.LWGC.org

  1. Yuri Kantor says:

    Hi, I am the treasurer at LWGC. Since we only have the general meetings four times a year, I would like to post our financial status each month. Also if possible, I would like to post our roster in the website with a password (may be) for the security purposes. I wonder if this is possible. If we have those info in the website, I think more members may utilize our website.

    • Ruyi says:

      Dear Yuri anything is possible. As you wish! I have created a page called Roster which is now password protected.
      That’s a common request…I will post the roster in there when Cheryl or Nancy give me a file.
      One Question: What kind of information do you like the roster to have besides name and telephone number ???

      Regarding to Financial Status: Do you want a page all by itself or just somewhere on the main page? I can show you how and you can update and post the page yourself.

  2. Barbara J Fujita says:


    I checked out the new website you formulated for us. What a good job!
    The rules section was very informative. The photo area showing our various activities was super.
    You are very smart and talented. We are fortunate to have someone like you in our club.
    Thank you for all that you do for us.

  3. Hello, Ladies,
    The 2023 four quarter prize money was distributed on 12/8/2023. Please go to tab – 02 Tournament Results to see the payout winnings for all players participated.

    The winning prize awards is posted below it. Don’t miss it.

    Sharon Carpenter

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